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作者:论坛秘书处    时间:2007-04-09    阅读:4076次   


  1998年加入中金公司,参与了中国石油首次公开发行的前期工作,主持领导了中国电信移动电话业务收购及增发,中国石化、中国铝业、中国电信、中国网通、中国人寿、中国人保、国航、中国神华、中国建设银行、东风汽车、招商银行、中国工商银行、中煤集团首次公开发行等项目,并参与领导了其他多个主要行业重组项目的研究开发工作。先后被评为“2004年十大创新英才”之一(《中华英才》), “2004年亚洲最具影响力的25位商界领袖”之一(《财富》),“2005年投资银行业亚洲银行家杰出成就奖”(《亚洲银行家》)。

Mr. Levin Zhu

CEO, Managing Director, Chairman of Management Committee.
China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC)
Since joining CICC in 1998, Mr. Zhu participated in the overseas IPO of Petro China and took the lead in many projects such as the mobile assets acquisition of China Telecom (HK) (now “China Mobile (HK)”), the overseas IPOs of Sinopec, Chalco, China Telecom, China Netcom, China Life, PICC, Air China, China Shenhua, China Construction Bank, Dongfeng Motor, China Merchants Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Coal. He was ranked among “Top 10 Creative Talents of 2004” by China’s Talents magazine, “Top 25 Most Powerful Business Leaders in Asia of 2004” by Fortune magazine. He was also recognized as “The Asian Banker Achievement Award 2005 for Investment Banking” by The Asian Banker.
Prior to CICC, Mr. Zhu worked in New York headquarter of CSFB, the world-wide investment banking company, and Chicago office of Arthur Andersen, an international accounting firm. Before entering the financial industry, he carried out post-doctoral research on Meteorology at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mr. Zhu holds Ph.D. degree in Meteorology from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Besides, he holds Master degree in Accounting from DePaul University of Chicago and MBA from International Bankers’ School of Credit Suisse First Boston.